Southforker Magazine (December 2024) Cook This Now! Chef Lauren Chattman’s cream cheese and jam pinwheels by Doug Young “Knowing that Blossom Meadow Farm picks its fruit at peak ripeness to guarantee the best flavor in the berries and more antioxidants is reason enough to select their award-winning preserves for this recipe.”
Northforker Magazine (November 2023) Blossom Meadow Farm Wins International Jam Competition by Melissa Azofeifa “They’re like, ‘Oh, now I see how native pollinators fit into my life because I’m enjoying this jam.'”
Stony Brook University (Sept 2023) Laura Klahre | School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences by Kristen Brennan “While recent headlines have drawn attention to honey bees, the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences alumna is working hard to shift attention to Long Island’s native pollinators.”
Northforker Magazine (Jan 2023) Made on The North Fork: Snail Art With Laura Klahre by Victoria Caruso “Meet Laura Klahre. She is the owner of Blossom Meadow Farm and the maker behind a new form of abstract art on the North Fork.”
North Fork Patch (Sept 2022) Winners at Hallockville Country Fair by Lisa Finn “This is the second year that Laura Klahre of Blossom Meadow Farm has taken home top honors in the Hallockville competition.”
Northforker Magazine (August 2020) Blossom Meadow Farm Showed Us How to Make Incredible 2-Ingredient Jam by Felicia LaLomia “But it all starts with amazing fruit. Just behind her house are the rows of raspberries, grown organically and picked twice a day.”
Stony Brook University (October 2019) Laura Klahre Defends Long Island’s Native Pollinators by Kristen Temkin “Our tagline is Eat Jam, Save Nature. Jam sales support the farm as well as our side conservation initiatives with pollen bees, monarch butterflies and nocturnal pollinators.”
Northforker Magazine (July 2019) Inside Bee Rancher Laura Klahre’s Blossom Meadow Farm by Cyndi Zaweski “I started reading about how native bees pollinate two to three times better than honeybees and that the resulting fruit from native bee pollination is larger, more well-rounded and of a higher quality,” said Klahre, who eliminated honey bees from her farm entirely this year.
Northforker Magazine (June 2019) Keep Your Kitchen Stocked with These North Fork Provisions – Blossom Meadow Farm Jam by Michelina DaFonte “The folks at Blossom Meadow Farm grow their own red raspberries, black raspberries, strawberries and blueberries naturally, with no pesticides, and handpick their fruit twice a day to harvest at peak ripeness.”
Hamptons Real Estate Showcase (May 2019) Breaking into Blossom: A North Fork Farmer Makes Superb Jam Thanks to Wild Bees by Sam Wilson “The best jam on eastern Long Island is made at Blossom Meadow Farm.”
Stony Brook University (April 2019) Laura Klahre MS, 1997 by Glenn Jochum “Blossom Meadow Farm is well known for its red raspberry, black raspberry, strawberry and blueberry jams, as well as selling high-quality mason bee cocoons.”
East End Beacon (April 2019) Farmers & Canaries: An Ear to the Cry of the Natural World by Beth Young “…at 9 o’clock at night, the bumblebees are still pollinating our raspberries, whereas the honey bees were in their hives at 5 o’clock. They’re so lame.”
Newsday (August 2018) Cutchogue Winery Teams with Girl Scouts to Help Monarch Butterflies by Beth Whitehouse “For every bottle of merlot sold at Coffee Pot Cellars in Cutchogue, Blossom Meadow Farm in Southold will grow and donate one butterfly milkweed plant
Newsday (July 2017) North Fork Bee Rancher by Taylor Swaak, Photos by Randee Daddona “their pollinating prowess and nonaggressive dispositions make these blue, native American bees worthy of accolades, said Klahre, 44, who has been tending bees for 20 years.”
Edible Long Island (Dec 2015) Exposed! Beekeeper Laura Klahre Gives TEDx Talk “Honeybees get all the credit but you have to know the truth about them.”
Edible East End (Nov 2015) Minding My Own: The Marvels of Beeswax by Laura Klahre “The only bees in North America that make wax are honeybees and bumblebees.”
Edible East End (Oct 2015) Shoo, Fly, Don’t Bother Me (Go Pollinate a Flower) by Laura Klahre “A grand number of fly species are actually good pollinators!”
Video: TEDx (Sept 2015) How to Increase Food Production by Using Native Pollinators by Laura Klahre
Video: TEDx (Aug 2015) PreConference Interview by Laura Klahre
Edible East End (Jul 2015) A Bee Named Sharon by Laura Klahre “One of the easiest steps you can take to ensure a bountiful garden is to let your lawn live a little! A lawn full of clover, dandelions and violets is a great thing! The bees will learn your backyard is a great place to visit. When your garden needs pollinating, the bees will be at the ready to help you out.”
Video: Keeping Bees (Jun 2015) Documentary by Katelyn LaGrega
Edible East End (May 2015) The Buzz of a Bumble by Laura Klahre “Commercial growers have been using bumblebees to pollinate hothouse tomatoes since the late 1980s. Before then, workers pollinated tomato flowers with a vibrating tool.”
Edible East End (Mar 2015) A Bee Walks Into A Bar by Laura Klahre “Straight up, bees are vital to the world of cocktails and hence to the employment of mixologists everywhere.”
Dans Papers (Jan 2015) Plant an Edible Landscape by Laura Klahre “Tear up your boring residential green lawn and choose an edible landscape.”
Edible Long Island (Sept 2014) A Plea for the Bees: Protect our Pollinators by Laura Klahre “…the future of pollination for farms and backyard gardens lies with native bees.”
Edible East End (June 2014) Hive Minds “My kids, Miranda and Toby, love these crayons. They’re big and chunky, come in bright colors, are shaped like lizards and alligators…”
New York Magazine (Sept 2013) “Also new this year is Cutchogue’s Coffee Pot Cellars, where winemaker Adam Suprenant has four offerings including a fresh Merlot. His partner is a local beekeeper, so you’ll also find great honey and beeswax products in the the tasting room.”
Trip Around Town (Sept 2013) “Laura and fiance Adam Suprenant, the Coffee Pot Cellars founder and vintner, have created a great atmosphere for tasting Adam’s wines, and learning about Laura’s bees. Adam is also the winemaker for Osprey’s Dominion, while Laura is a beekeeper, and proprietress of Blossom Meadow, an artisanal producer of North Fork honey and beeswax products.”
Dans Papers (Aug 2013) “The most delightful thing about the Coffee Pot Cellars tasting room, aside from the fine wine made by winemaker Adam Suprenant and the light, flavorful honey produced by his fiance, is beekeeper Laura Klahre herself.”
The East End Show, Long Island Channel 12 (August 2013)
News12 Long Island (August 2013)
The New York Times (May 2013) “Coffee Pot Cellars opened a tasting room in Cutchogue last week, offering four wines produced by the brand’s owner, Adam Suprenant, at Osprey’s Dominion, in Peconic, where he is the winemaker. …The room is a joint venture with Mr. Suprenant’s fiancée, Laura Klahre, a North Fork beekeeper, who runs a company called Blossom Meadow and will market her honey and beeswax products there.”
New York Magazine (The Summer Guide 2013) “When cycling to Coney no longer satisfies, head to the North Fork, where traffic is light and the hills are few…consider visiting a winery like Coffee Pot Cellars (31855 Main Rd., Cutchogue; 631-765-8929), which just opened a tasting room.”
Dan’s Papers (May 2013) “The Coffee Pot Cellars Tasting Room is now officially open to the public! Suprenant collaborated on the new tasting room with his fiancée, Laura Klahre. Klahre’s business, Blossom Meadow, produces artisanal honeys and beeswax products.” (May 2013) “Where can you sit back and sip local wine while watching over 20,000 honeybees buzz about? At a new tasting room in Cutchogue this weekend, when Southold couple Adam Suprenant and Laura Klahre debut their business, Coffee Pot Cellars Tasting Room and Blossom Meadow.”
New York Cork Report (March 2013) “The Coffee Pot Cellars business model has always included plans for a tasting room. Together with my fiancee Laura Klahre, the owner/beekeeper of Blossom Meadow, we have been looking to open a retail outlet to market my wine as well as her honey, beeswax candles crayons and lip balm for the past two years,” Suprenant told me in an email.
Edible East End Magazine (Fall 2012) “The steak, from Village Prime Meat Shoppe in East Quogue, which everyone calls Sonny’s, goes into a marinade made with honey from the North Fork. The honey, Blossom Meadow, is the produce of beekeeper Laura Klahre, who rents the house where Ruffin’s father used to live.”
Dan’s Papers (June 2012) “Laura Klahre from Blossom Meadow explains that swarming happens everywhere, not just in New York and is a normal procedure for honeybees. ‘This is how the bees split off and make new colonies, a natural process. In fact, when a hive swarms, it is the old queen that leaves with about 60% of the bees from the hive.'”
Suffolk Times (November 2011) “Vegetables of all kinds suffered this year during a growing season marred by long rainy periods, but many unseen workers in North Fork fields were hurt so badly by this year’s rains that they will have trouble surviving the winter.”
Suffolk Times (March 2011) “We learned from Laura Klahre of Southold, a beekeeper, never to look at a jar of honey again without finding out where it came from and what flowers … give the honey its distinctive color.”
Dan’s Papers (February 2011) “In the late fall, honeybees start forming a winter cluster inside the hive. When the outside temperatures become very cold, the cluster shrinks uniformly in an effort to reduce heat loss from the interior and to reduce air spaces between the bees.”
Long Island Press (August 2010) “It’s a real blast to open up a hive and see this little world going on and just watching them come in with different color pollen on their legs and from that you can decipher what species of flowers are blooming,” Klahre said. “You feel like you’re a part of something big—which you are.”
Dan’s Papers (August 2010) “The honey she gathers from hives across the North Fork is the best I’ve tasted.” — Stacy Dermont, Associate Editor
Suffolk Times (May 2010) “You walk into a bee yard with a certain way about you, and the bees can sense that. Everything else needs to go out of your head, and it does. Your only focus is the bees.”
Pine Barrens Society Newsletter (Summer 2010) “In fact, of the approximately 775 bee species east of the Mississippi (US and Canada) more than 70 of these species have not been seen in the last twenty years. In order for native insects to continue functioning and in some cases bounce back from decline, they need to be factored into land management decisions.”
Video: Beekeeping in Orient Point (August 2010) by Joel Cairo
Video: Beekeepers of the North Fork (May 2010) by Erin Schultz
Video: Wildflower Honey from Blossom Meadow (October 2010) by Kurt Franke
Newsday (June 2007) “Populations of wild bees and honeybees are in decline nationwide for many reasons – loss of habitat, poisoning from pesticides, and introduced parasites and diseases, among others.”