Field Journal

BEES Need Our Help

There are about 450 different bee species in New York State, including bumblebees, carpenter bees, sweat bees, mason bees, and honey bees.  As their work in pollinating our gardens, farms, and natural world is priceless, please consider the following actions to help reverse their population declines: Ensure food sources: To increase forage for pollinators, plant… Read more BEES Need Our Help

Hard work, happy pollinators and a healthy ecosystem make Blossom Meadow Farm a success. This journal highlights some of things we’ve learned through this crazy adventure.

Solitary Wasps

Often overlooked, predatory wasps suppress pests of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, are a natural part of all terrestrial ecosystems and in the past were the primary means of pest control on farms.  The vast majority of wasps are solitary and all solitary wasps are nonaggressive as their stingers are used mainly for hunting rather… Read more Solitary Wasps

Happy National Moth Week!

Happy National Moth Week! Mmm, didn’t know it existed? Well, walk around at night in your yard with a flashlight and what will you likely see? Moths taking over the night shift of pollinating flowers. Like butterflies, moths don’t actively gather pollen. While they are foraging for nectar, pollen grains stick to the moth’s body… Read more Happy National Moth Week!

Butterfly Bushes are not Monarch Flowers

When people see my common monarch flower (Asclepias syriaca) plants and seeds, many say “I already have this.  I have a butterfly bush.”  Monarch flowers (Asclepias species) are different than the butterfly bush (Buddleia species).  While butterfly bushes will provide attractive nectar for adult butterflies (including monarchs), no species of butterfly in North America can… Read more Butterfly Bushes are not Monarch Flowers


B2B you ask?  What is she talking about?  Well, this past Friday October 5th, I was out in my Soundview Avenue bee yard.  I was going through the hives to make sure that all three supers had built out frames in which to store that last drops of nectar from the goldenrod blooming nearby and… Read more B2B

A Wonderful Day in East Meadow

Congratulations and a huge thank you to the students of I. L. Peretz Jewish School for helping the monarch butterflies!  On July 14th, ten monarch flower plants (Asclepias syriaca) were planted in the school’s front planting bed on East Meadow Avenue in East Meadow, NY.   Amazing experience!  While taking the plants out of the car, one of the… Read more A Wonderful Day in East Meadow