Field Journal

Ta Da! Beeswax Crayons!

With my little honeybees as the master of ceremonies… With the witch hazel, crocus, and saucer magnolias already blooming… With the upcoming spring equinox putting one’s imagination into overdrive… Meadow Beeswax Crayons! Blossom Meadow beeswax crayons are large, hard to break, and easy to grasp.  We have combined pure beeswax and high-quality, non-toxic artist… Read more Ta Da! Beeswax Crayons!

Third Grade

In third grade, we went on a school trip to meet a beekeeper and tour his apiary.  Amazing day – jumping off the last stair of the bus to join my class standing in a small field, I was greeted by a sweet-tempered, cragged-faced, thin man with a warm smile – a beekeeper!  With white… Read more Third Grade